Woodstock Chakra Chimes combine color and sound to underscore the ancient meaning of the major energy centers of the human body. Eastern Philosophy can be difficult for the Western scientific mind to assimilate and yet, many of the eastern claims are being proven scientifically as the time-honored truths that they are. According to the traditions, there are 7 basic chakras, which correlate to the 7 main nerve ganglia emanating from the spinal column, as revealed through modern studies of physiology. Each Chakra location has a unique meaning, orientation and healing potential. Woodstock Chakra Chimes are intended to remind us of the strength of mind over matter and, through sound, give us a small window into the balance of the physical and metaphysical.
This chime comes with the genuine stones associated with each chakra.
From left to right, the rods and stones of the Zenergy Chakra Chime represent:
Chakra Frequency Stone
Muladhara or Base Chakra G -16c/3107 Hz Hematite
Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra Ab +32c/3367 Hz Tiger's Eye
Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra B +38c/2020 Hz Yellow Jade
Anahata or Heart Chakra C# -31c/2178 Hz Rose Quartz
Vishuddha or Throat Chakra C# +33c/2260 Hz Turquoise
Ajna or Brow Chakra A +10c/3540 Hz Lapis
Sahasrara or Crown Chakra